The story behind Third.Coast.Kawaii...

What began as a small piece of Ocean Maiden Designs grew into Third Coast Kawaii, with its official Etsy shop opening in March 2022. After reorganizing and refocusing, opening a sister shop to Ocean Maiden Designs made the most sense to help customers find what they want with regards to a different aesthetic but maintaining the same quality and customer service as much as possible. But don't worry, there might be some overlap at times (steampunk kawaii anyone?).

Third Coast Kawaii is run by Marah, who also runs Ocean Maiden Designs, as a way to express her interest in the different themes of her personality.

Thank you for shopping with Third.Coast.Kawaii! <3


Owner & Creator

Marah has created numerous jewelry and cosplay/costume pieces including custom work featuring pop icons, ocean critters, award medallions and more! She is always learning new techniques relating to her mixed heritage.